11 Luglio 2022
S Takamura, S Sugai, R Taguchi, Y Teraki

Combination therapy of apremilast and biologics in patients with psoriasis showing biologic fatigue

J Dermatol. 2020 Mar;47(3):290-294
  • Un numero significativo di pazienti trattati con i biologici interrompe il trattamento a causa della perdita di efficacia nel tempo. La terapia combinata con biologici e altri agenti può essere considerata un’opzione terapeutica in questi casi. Sono pochi i dati relativi alla combinazione tra biologici e apremilast nei pazienti con psoriasi.
  • I risultati del presente studio suggeriscono che la terapia combinata con apremilast e biologici può essere un’opzione sicura ed efficace per la gestione della psoriasi non controllata con i soli biologici.


Biologics have been shown to constitute a highly effective treatment for patients with psoriasis. However, a significant number of patients treated with biologics will discontinue them due to loss of efficacy over time, a phenomenon known as biologic fatigue or secondary failure. Combination therapy of biologics with other agents can be considered as a treatment option in such cases. Information regarding the efficacy and safety of adding apremilast to biologic therapy in patients with psoriasis is limited. In the present study, we retrospectively evaluated the efficacy and safety of apremilast combined with biologics in 14 patients with psoriasis showing biologic fatigue at a single hospital. Before the addition of apremilast, the mean Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) score was 3.2 ± 0.4. At week 24 following the addition of apremilast, the mean PASI score decreased to 1.6 ± 0.3, and four (29%) and seven (50%) patients had achieved 75% and 50% reduction in PASI score, respectively. During the 24 weeks of treatment, diarrhea was observed in four patients, and diarrhea and nausea were observed in one patient. Weight loss of more than 5% bodyweight was observed in two patients. None of the patients discontinued therapy because of these side-effects. These results suggest that the combination therapy of apremilast and biologics could be a safe, effective option for the management of patients with psoriasis showing biologic fatigue.

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