7 Novembre 2022
Jaworecka K, Rzepko M, Marek-Józefowicz L, et al.

The impact of pruritus on the quality of life and sleep disturbances in patients suffering from different clinical variants of psoriasis

J Clin Med. 2022 Sep 22;11(19):5553
  • L’obiettivo di questo studio è stato quello d’indagare le differenze nella qualità di vita e nei disturbi del sonno nei pazienti con differenti sottotipi clinici di psoriasi, valutando l’impatto del prurito stesso.
  • La qualità di vita della maggior parte dei pazienti è risultata ridotta indipendentemente dal sottotipo di psoriasi, ma il maggior impatto è stato registrato nella psoriasi eritrodermica. La maggioranza dei pazienti hanno riportato disturbi del sonno causati dal prurito, anche se non sono emerse differenze rilevanti tra i diversi sottotipi di malattia.



Quality of life (QoL) and sleep, which are essential for well-being in the mental, physical, and socioeconomic domains, are impaired in psoriatic patients. However, the exact role of the clinical subtype of psoriasis in this aspect remains poorly studied.


The aim of this study was to investigate differences in QoL impairment and sleeping problems in patients suffering from various clinical subtypes of psoriasis and to evaluate the effects of pruritus on QoL.


This cross-sectional, multicenter study included 295 eligible subjects with diagnosed psoriasis. Each patient was examined with the use of the same questionnaire. Measures included predominant subtype of psoriasis, disease severity, pruritus scores, patients’ health-related QoL and the incidence of sleep disturbance.


The QoL of most patients was decreased irrespectively of clinical psoriasis subtype, however, the most impaired QoL was in patients with erythrodermic psoriasis. The majority of patients reported sleep disturbances caused by pruritus, albeit there was no relevant differences between analyzed subgroups in this aspect of patients’ well-being. Pruritus was an important factor determining QoL and sleeping problems in the studied population.


All-cause and psoriasis-related costs were comparable between IXE and SEC users after ICER adjustments; index drug costs were similar after ICER and adherence adjustments.

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