7 Giugno 2022
N Bernardini, N Skroza, E Tolino, A Marchesiello, A Mambrin, V Balduzzi, S Michelini, P Maddalena, S Volpe, I Proietti, C Potenza

HIV positive patient treated with ixekizumab

Clin Ter. 2022 May 25;173(3):195-197
  • I pazienti HIV+ manifestano solitamente una psoriasi con elementi clinici più severi e un decorso recidivante.
  • Inoltre, la gestione terapeutica nei soggetti HIV+ è complessa e richiede una collaborazione con l’infettivologo.


Psoriasis is a immune-mediated, chronic, inflammatory skin dis-ease. In HIV positive (HIV+) patients we usually observe more serious clinical features and recalcitrant course. Furthermore, therapeutic man-agement of HIV+ patient is complex and requires collaboration with the infectious disease specialist. We report the case of a patient affected by severe psoriasis who contracted HIV infection during biological therapy and, subsequently, succesfully treated with ixekizumab.

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