- La psoriasi è una patologia cutanea infiammatoria cronica e recidivante. Come la parodontite, lo sviluppo e la progressione delle lesioni dipendono da fattori immunologici, genetici e ambientali.
- Nella presente metanalisi la psoriasi ha determinato un aumento >2 volte del rischio di parodontite. Circa 1/3 dei pazienti ha sofferto di parodontite con una severità variabile.
- Nonostante l’eterogeneità degli studi, la psoriasi si associa ad un rischio maggiore di parodontite, specialmente con una progressione più avanzata.
Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory, and recurrent skin disease. As with periodontitis, the development and progression of lesions depend on immunological, genetic, and environmental factors. This systematic review was designed to answer the question: “Is there a relationship between psoriasis and periodontal disease?”. Following the inclusion and exclusion criteria, sixteen studies were included in this systematic review (according to PRISMA statement guidelines). Based on the meta-analysis, psoriasis patients showed a more than two-fold increase in the odds of periodontal disease. Almost one-third of these patients suffered from periodontitis of varying severity. Despite the heterogeneity of the included studies, psoriasis is associated with a higher risk of periodontitis, and especially with advanced progression.