16 Febbraio 2022
A Al-Janabi, Z Z N Yiu

Biologics in Psoriasis: Updated Perspectives on Long-Term Safety and Risk Management

Psoriasis (Auckl). 2022 Jan 6;12:1-14

Key messages

  • Un’analisi delle evidenze disponibili derivanti dai trial clinici e dai registri di farmacovigilanza per valutare i rischi a lungo termine dei farmaci biologici.
  • Viene proposta una revisione relativa alla possibile gestione dei rischi dei biologici nella pratica clinica.


Biologics targeting Th1/Th17 cytokines have revolutionised psoriasis treatment. In addition to treatment effectiveness, it is important to define and understand the long-term risks of biologic therapy in order to guide therapy selection and minimise these risks for patients where possible. This review article summarises available evidence from trial data, observational studies and pharmacovigilance registries to explore key long-term risks of biologic treatment, and how these risks might be managed in clinical practice.

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